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You have come to the right place. This page will help you with everything you need to know about Conn3ct!


  1. Create an account. This is pretty simple, but you must make one to see all of our features.
  2. Change your profile. You can do this by click on "My Account" Once on you can see where you can post things about what is "new" You will also see a menu that has some different options on it. If you click on "Settings" this will take you to a page where you can edit your privacy settings. This makes it so strangers can't see your profile (We recommend this to anyone under 18 years of age) Below that you can see " Please Inform me". Here you can see how conn3ct informs you (email) and what we will be sending to you. If you do not want any emails from conn3ct press "Change" and click on the arrow, then selecting "No" on each one. If you are not recieving emails from Conn3ct, make sure to check you "Junk/Spam" Folder. Next their is "News Stream" This allows you to see what appears in your news stream.  Now back to the Menu. You will see "Gallery" and "Videos" these are pretty easy to figure out what they do. One is the pictures you uploaded and one is the videos you uploaded. Now on the Menu you will see "Guestbook" and may be wondering what that is. This is a place where users can write somethings (Like if this was a yearbook) about you. And last there is "My Profile" This will show you your information you have given Conn3ct, you stats and general information about you.
  3. Now to "Posts". This is on the main menu of Conn3ct. This is a forum page, don't know what it means... Click here . This is where you can see what friends, you and other people have posted, this feature may be removed or may be a sub page under "Posts" once we get blogging up.
  4. Tool bar help. You should see a search feature near the top of Conn3ct. Under neath this there should be something that looks like coins, then something like looks like mail, friend requests and new guestbook. This is the toolbar for Conn3ct, this has many features and makes things easier for you. The coins symbal stands for how many coins you have. The mail stands for how many new messages you have, the person icon stands for how many new friend requests you have and the book stands for how many new guestbook entries there are. These things make easy access to Conn3ct's features.
  5. Friends. You will see this on the main menu of Conn3ct. When you click on this is shows the members of the website, which you can search to find your friends. If you hover over friends you will see "My Friends" and "Invite Friends". These are sub pages and "My Friends" will show a list of your friends currently and "Invite Friends" is how you can invite friends to Conn3ct for coins (Which you will be able to buy online things later).
  6. Messages. This is in Conn3ct's main menu and when clicked on it shows new and old messages. You can reply and send new messages from this page
  7. Chat. This is in Conn3ct's main menu as well and when clicked on it shows the chat rooms that you can currently join. This page has no sub domains and the chat rooms open in a new tab(Be aware of this as sometimes it minimizes when done) These chat rooms have many different topic that you can choose from and if you feel like you don't want a topic pick the chat room "Random" which is at the top of the list.
  8. News/Updates is in the main menu of Conn3ct. This is a blogging page for Conn3ct's creators and admins where they can post things about changes and things that may be coming up, aswell as bugs.
  9. Games is displayed in Conn3ct's main menu. This page is currently in devolpment and could be removed. All the games on this page are Flash games and require Flash to run them. Conn3ct also does not own any of the rights to the games that are on the page. Remember this page will go offline and may require a password at times to get into while changes are being made.


  1. How do I add friends? ANSWER: Go to the friends tab, look up their username. Click on "Send friend request"
  2. Can i connect to Conn3ct using my phone/tablet? YES! It looks almost the same, the only feature that will be missing is the games in the "Games" tab if you are connecting from a iPad,iPhone or iPod.


Wondering what coins do and how you get get them? Your coins show up right below the search bar. The amount of coins you have can change you rank. To find out more about ranks click on the coins. Soon you will be able to buy things with the coins in our shop. If you have any more questions about coins post it under Support in the Posts section.

Thanks for reading our help/FAQ page. This page will be updated daily to make sure that you never have any problems with our site... EVER! Thanks for choosing Conn3ct

- Conn3ct team